Welcome To Rogue Sculpts!
I started playing D&D when I was only nine years old. It was a magical experience full of adventure and wonder. Needless to say, I was hooked. It didn't stop there, I expanded out to find other tabletop experiences. Warhammer, 40k, and others. But I wanted more than just assembling and painting miniatures. I wanted to create. So I got into terrain crafting. Soon I was creating amazing scenes from nothing, making my experience that much better. As I got older I wanted to share my skills with my gaming community, so I created my store. I started sculpting monsters and creating unique terrain for sale. Soon after I learned how to sculpt digitally and 3d printing. I ever strive to bring art to the tables of gamers everywhere.

From Traditional To Digital Sculpting
Unfortunately my hands have declined and I am unable to sculpt traditionally anymore. But I haven't let that get me down! I have adapted my art and started focusing on digital sculptures. Mostly hard edge stuff for now, but I am expanding more into organic sculpting. Check out some examples of my work!

Mushroom Goblin Girl
Sculpted based on art by #krocodilian

Grimdark Express
A super sweet Grimdark train designed for tabletop wargaming

A Crazy Idea
I design a lot of crazy tanks and I like to have fun and mix stuff together. This was a fun one.